Hart Art Homepage John Hart

John Hart

Born: July 8, 1962 in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
College: University of Cincinnati
Home: Liberty Township, Ohio

Growing up as the youngest of 4 Hart brothers in the western suburbs of Cincinnati, Ohio (USA), John showed a natural ability for art at an early age. He posted multiple National Honorable Mention Awards in art at the age of 13. Although through the years John showed he excelled at traditional art concepts (still life, landscapes, clay work, watercolor, acrylics, etc.), it has been his gifted visionary and imagination skills to create whimsical character drawings over the last 20+ years that have defined his talent. John’s preferred media for these works have been pencil & colored pencil, markers and watercolor.

Children have enjoyed John’s appearances as they play along with his own imagination building game where students draw a set of cartoon eye balls and watch as the artist magically transforms their eyes into a new animal character.

Although popular with all age groups, Mr. Hart’s works are especially sought after by children and their parents who can relate to their specific fascination with their favorite animal characters growing up.

“It has been my sincerest goal to rekindle a childhood memory in every character drawing. May these prints brighten a spot in your home or fill a special place in your child’s room.”
  John Hart

Thank you for visiting this web site as we bring you the creative and entertaining artwork of this talented artist. Most of the artworks are available as high quality print reproductions, matted prints, or framed & matted prints. Prices vary depending on particular artwork’s popularity and availability.